Dangote Oil Refining Company is setting up a Refinery Project in “The Lekki Free Trade Zone” at Lagos, Nigeria. As part of the Project, a temporary marine facility with RO-RO Jetty is required for receiving (construction) materials via the Atlantic Ocean. A preliminary reference design of the RO-RO facility has been prepared by Dangote.
CDR has performed the Detailed Design which was split up in the following components:
- Kick-Off meeting in Nigeria
- Prepared Specifications for Bathymetric and Geotechnical
- Detailed Assessment of Hydraulic Boundary Conditions and Wave Penetration for lay-out optimisation
- Detailed Assessment of Morphological Processes
- Preparation Tender Design Marine Works
- Preparation Tender Design Quay and Mooring Facilities
- Design Navigational Aids
- Design of the Geocontainer/tube Concept
- Presentation of an optimised design and lay-out
- Detailed Design Reporting
- Setup EPC Tender Documentation